Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Revisit of the Beginning

Well, what better to discuss in my first official post than the very 1st models I began to shoot with. The 1st was Dena Barnes whom I shot my junior year of high school for the early incarnation of my clothing line Salacious. We did the shoot in a dimly lit classroom with my tiny Kodak Easy Share camera. I had no clue what i wanted to do, but as Tim Gunn says, we made it work. As you can very well see this looks a hot mess, but remember it was my 1st time working with graphics and a camera.

Ok, three years later a little bit better, and a little bit more knowledgeable, the now statuesque Dena Barnes and I re shoot. He was interested in starting his book and I obliged ,I was more than happy to start his book, because in essence he started mine.
Dena is 19 years old, 6'1 32inch waist and 185lbs, and statuesque. We did these shots in the chic area of Dumbo, Brooklyn and we got some great shots before a massive down pour of rain. Dena has in my opinion has a look for the Gap and Urban Outfitters for some reason, and I think he can definitely pull of a calender shoot. For booking info contact me.

The second model I reently shot with is Magdalena Lazare, one of my best friends whom I also met in high school in the Drama club. We did our 1st shot while we were out with friends at a McDonald's in Soho. I had my handy Kodak Easy Share camera and decided to do some shots against the mirror. Even to this day i still sort of like this shot.
Once again three years later, Maggie is pursuing modeling, having done shots with "Hype Hair Magazine", David Schinman, and other great photographers, and it was now time for us to try and create something again. We did our shots on the has be hottest day of the year so far. We did hair and makeup with my artist Jeremy downtown and then traveled in the hot sun to Dumbo. The look was high fashion couture meets Jet Magazine 's Beauty of the week lol.
In the end I think the shoot went great, and we were both pleased with our growth in our individual fields. Maggie is 5'9 and 124lbs and a great model. For booking info contact me

I thank these two models and friends very much for taking a chance on me back then, and I wish these two the best of luck in their respective careers.
Thats all for this post folks


Anonymous said...

im definately loving the growth, great work

Unknown said...

Sailey is the man. Great to see you with not only an awesome site up but an awesome blog too =]

Take care